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Something to Learn from the Temptation of Jesus

Dear Pastor, Preacher, or Bible Teacher –

Just a quick thought today from a familiar passage:

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit
into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
(Matthew 4:1)

After identifying with sinners in His baptism, Jesus then identified with them again in severe temptation. Because this was a necessary part of His ministry, so Jesus truly was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness.

Something to Learn from the Temptation of Jesus

There was a remarkable contrast between the glory following Jesus’ baptism and the challenge to be tempted by the devil.

  • At His baptism, Jesus enjoyed the cool waters of the Jordan; now with His temptation Jesus faced the barren wilderness.
  • Then there were huge crowds; now there was solitude and silence.
  • Then the Spirit rested like a dove; now the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness.
  • Then Jesus heard the voice of the Father called Him “Beloved Son”; now He heard the hiss of Satan the tempter.
  • Then Jesus was anointed; now He was attacked.
  • Then the water of baptism; now the fire of temptation.
  • First the heavens opened; now it was as if hell opened.

Here’s one point to draw for servants of Jesus to draw from the life of our Savior:

Each season was led by the Holy Spirit and was in the will of God.

Don’t think that a hard season means you’re out of God’s will or no longer in step with the Spirit.

Blessings to you in Jesus’ Name – David Guzik

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