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Jesus: The Perfect Shepherd

Jesus: The Perfect Shepherd

One of the most loved passages in the Bible is Psalm 23 – that is the psalm that begins, “The LORD is my shepherd.” People know and love that psalm, so many are familiar with the idea that God is like a shepherd to His people.

However, that’s not the only place where the Bible speaks of God as our shepherd. Look at Isaiah 40:11:

He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.

Because His people are so needy, God loves to call Himself a shepherd. Many of the greatest men of the Bible were shepherds and their character points to Jesus Christ.

  • Abel was a shepherd, and he is a picture of Jesus, the sacrificed shepherd.
  • Jacob was a shepherd, and he is a picture of Jesus, the working shepherd.
  • Joseph was a shepherd, and he is a picture of Jesus, the persecuted and exalted shepherd.
  • Moses was a shepherd, and he is a picture of Jesus, the freedom-giving and guiding shepherd.
  • David was a shepherd, and he is a picture of Jesus, the shepherd king.

When God cares for His sheep, He does the first and most necessary thing – feed them. Isaiah said, He will feed His flock like a shepherd. Sheep need food, and God’s people need spiritual food – the Word of God. Like a perfect shepherd, God gives His people spiritual food in His word, and His Spirit will lead us to it if we listen to Him.

Sheep must be directed to the good pasture and then must be moved on to new pasture when they have stripped the grass bare. God’s people need as much carefully directed feeding as sheep need! Some people even say that there are few creatures that have less power to take care of themselves than sheep have.

Not only does Jesus the shepherd feed His sheep; Isaiah 40:11 also says, He will gather the lambs with His arm. Our LORD shows special care for the lambs. The youngest and weakest are not despised – they are given special care by the LORD who gathers them, and then promises to carry them in His bosom – that is, close to His heart. Jesus does not cast the weak lambs over his shoulder, as a shepherd might carry a fully grown sheep; He carries them in a safe and tender place. The shoulders are for power, and the back is for carrying burdens, but to embrace a lamb in your bosom – that is a place of love.

It is the LORD Himself who does this. He does not delegate this work to an angel, or even to His ministers or preachers. God promised that He, working through His Spirit, would do the work of carrying His lambs. This Shepherd carries a rod and staff for discipline and protection, and He knows how to use them. Yet, our Great Shepherd also knows how to gently lead those who are with young.

Jesus has three great titles regarding His work as a shepherd.

  • John 10 says that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is good in His care and sacrifice for the flock (John 10:11-15).
  • Hebrews 13 says that Jesus is the Great Shepherd. He is great in His glorious triumph over every enemy (Hebrews 13:20).
  • 1 Peter 5 says that Jesus is the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4).

So, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, and the Chief Shepherd. Yet, there is another aspect to the work of Jesus as shepherd. Matthew 25 tells us that at His return, Jesus will divide the sheep from the goats. Jesus is the perfect Shepherd, and this means that Jesus is a perfect judge, and He knows those who are truly His people and those who are not.

Jesus Christ is the perfect Shepherd. But, is He your Shepherd? Are you responding to Him as a sheep should respond to its Shepherd?

  • Let the perfect Shepherd Jesus feed you – receive His word.
  • Let Jesus comfort and care for you – believe His promises.
  • Let the perfect Shepherd Jesus lead you – follow His lead.

The post Jesus: The Perfect Shepherd appeared first on Enduring Word.

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